Transmutation of Elements in Earth's Geology

Transmutation of Elements in Earth's Geology

Book page - 6 years 6 months ago

We have been taught the elements can only be created in the stars, they cannot be created here on Earth. But evidence is showing otherwise, transmutations occur right here on earth and at low temperatures and pressures. We have never had a theory that describes how this can happen, so geologists aren't allowed to even consider the possibility. Is it possible that gold veins were formed in-situ when an extremely large and powerful electric current went through the rock and fused the atoms of the rock together into gold? Or that fossilization is an instantaneous process, where electricity causes carbon and water molecules to fuse into heavier silicates and calcites - literally into solid rock?

The Structured Atom Model (SAM) states that the atomic nucleus is made of clusters of protons held together by electrons. By simply adding 2 or 3 clusters together you can get the larger elements. Through the application of SAM we can show how a pond of animals can be converted into rock. Or how the roots of a tree stump in Alberta Canada was instantly petrified when a power line fell on it for over an hour.

Geologists have never allowed themselves to even consider the process of transmutation as a factor in creating our Geology. It's not been part of their toolbox. This has limited their imagination and resulted in the creation of some pretty complicated and contradicting theories. So let's just step back for a minute and let our imaginations ponder this idea - What if transmutation is going on? How does this change our theories? This line of questioning will take us down paths we've never dreamed of.

Here are just a small set of questions that need to be looked at with the idea that elements are created or transmuted here on earth.

  • Why is there such an abundance of heavy elements in the crust?
  • Why are the heavy elements so 'evenly' distributed in Granite for example?
  • Why are the elements found in the abundances that they are in? For example why are Silicon, Oxygen and Calcium and Iron so abundant?
  • What creates veins of quartz, silver or gold in solid rock?
  • What creates geodes?
  • What forms a Kimberlite Pipe, often having diamonds?
  • What is the cause of the excess heat of the Earth?
  • What is the process of Petrification and Fossilization?
  • What causes radiohalos to form in rock?
  • What provides the energy for creating abiotic oil?
  • Why are there so many volcanoes under the ocean?  (1,000,000 under the ocean - 1,600 volcanoes on land, and most of these are near the ocean!)
  • What is the connection between volcanoes and water?
  • Why does volcanic activity produce large quantities of sulfur?
  • Why is there a mid-atlantic ridge?

We have a lot of interesting articles planned to discuss these matters. The list above comes from brainstorming and working with the SAM. The Structured Atom Model (SAM) points out that fusion here on earth might just be a reality. This is happening in what we call Cold Fusion aka Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR).

Each and every question here is a field of study on it's own. This new understanding of LENR is opening new doors and areas of research. In this way we hope to paint a more complete picture of how the earth has developed.



Your theory about gold must include its unique geology: very old or very young mountains, but not intermediate age. Gold tends to form in seams with quartz, especially white quartz. Gold is water soluble, and quartz is water soluble, so the process might include collection of both by groundwater which then shoots up through crevices, precipitating quartz and gold as pressure is released. The quartz is broken up by normal erosion and the gold is rolled into flakes and pebbles to be found in some miner's pan.


I would add the question of biological transmutations via enzymatic activity that may be as normal to biology as electricity is.


Creation of Heavy elements beyond Iron in the Earths crust absolutely happens every day. It is called MOVI Fusion (Muon Oxygen Vacancy Implosion). What are required is a metal oxide at roughly around 1000c to help create oxygen vacancies and a reducing plasma such as hydrogen sulfide plasma (can be simply created by making a h2s torch). The plasma will deposit "clumps" of electrons in the oxygen vacancies which form muons. These muons residing in the oxygen vacancies will "suck" nearby atoms into eachother creating fusion. For example in the case of gold: Hematite is the oxide required for making gold because there are 3 iron atoms nearby each oxygen atom. As oxygen vacancies are created and an Hydrogen sulfide plasma rushes by, the oxygen vacancies fill with muons and the 3 nearby iron atoms implode in fusion into 1 gold atom. The presence of quartz can make the plasma into "dusty plasma" and thereby enhance muon creation I believe.

Its called "dusty plasma". Muons are just bubbles of electrons that can be formed in plasmas and the sio2 dust concentrates electrons from the plasma. When the highly charged dust particle impacts the oxide, a muon is formed in the oxygen vacancy.

I tend to think that the oxygen vacancy acts as a "bubble wand" and the highly charged sio2 dust acts as the "bubble solution" to make muons. The oxygen vacancy basically sucks up the electrons from the dust into a bubble (muon) within it.

You may think well how can you have a bunch of electrons together and they only have the charge of 1 electron? Well electrons usually have higher charge because they are repelling eachother and take orbital configurations around the atom. Muon electrons don't repel eachother and don't form orbitals so the charge isn't multiplied.

Super-Kamiokande, which is 1000 meters below the ground, only detects 1 / 100,000 muon on the ground. Even if the muon from cosmic rays reaches underground, it will be several hundred meters. In the deeper underground, I expect to be filled with electromagnetic waves. Cold fusion by electromagnetic waves proved by the SAFARI project.It may be because a muon is occurring as you expected.

> Muon electrons don't repel eachother and don't form orbitals so the charge isn't multiplied.

why? Is there an experiment?

So it is the same as adding magnets side by side while they are attracting eachother versus squishing them together side by side while they are repelling eachother. When they are repelling the magnetic field lines are squished and the strength of the magnetic fields increase, however when they attract eachother the magnetic field strength doesn't increase. This is the same with electrons, when you put them into orbitals (squish them) their charge increases but if you you make them assume an orbitaless configuration (muon) then the charge stays at 1 e-. As you know a muon is mostly unstable. I think of it as a a bubble (shell) of electrons.

Think of it like there is a high energy way to stack magnets and electrons, and a low energy way to stack them. If you use the high energy way the charges add, if you use the low energy way then the charges do not add. A nucleus helps to stack electrons in a high energy way, without a nucleus they can stack in a low energy way however this is unstable (muon) as we know.

Not sure how this could be tested in a lab, I suppose we could try to get a muon to break apart and add multiple electrons to an atom, but likely most of the electrons in the muon would assume another particle (like a neutrino by picking up some "positrons" but instead of annihilating eachother from direct contact they orbit eachother and form a neutrino) instead of releasing multiple free electrons. Basically we would have to get a muon to decay in highly negative (electron rich) environment to see that multiple electrons come off.


After seeing the SAM model of the gold nucleus, I’m inclined to think it is possible that the heavy elements could indeed be formed in situ. What I see in the structure of the nucleus are a multiple carbon nuclet backbone, four neon nuclets, a sulfur nuclet, and a chlorine nuclet. Just following the structure, intuitively it seems that iron sulfide (pyrite - a waterborne crystalline deposit often associated with gold) and salt water could provide all the raw materials necessary to produce gold under optimum conditions; possibly high voltage electricity (lightning as it follows the path of least resistance, as salt water is a good conductor) in the cracks of bedrock. Only in these cracks of the earth could enough pressure be produced to keep electrically energized and ionized matter in close proximity long enough for fusion of nuclei to occur; perhaps as a result of magnetic templates inherent in the elements available. Could it be possible that a similar process would create all the heavy metals, with different combinations of elements present and perfect conditions at the instant of fusion?
I think this is testable, but would require considerable investment to attempt.