Huge hollow inside Earth

Huge hollow inside Earth

Article - 5 years 5 months ago
electric earth science
north east of Japan, foot of mountain made by discharge

In traditional science, it is believed that Earth and planets are rounded because of attraction. However, the attraction is electromagnetic mass and the forces created by the electrons inside the crust (for further details, I  explain it in another article). According to the experiment under microgravity, the waterdrop takes a round shape. It is Van der Waals force that is making a sphere. Van der Waals force is also called intermolecular attraction, but it is a type of electric attraction.

Inside a substance, molecules, atoms have a direction of mutual charge. When the distance between the substances approaches, it has plus and minus plus strength to stick together. Adhesive enters between materials and adheres to each other by causing van der Waals forces by adhering to each other. Van der Waals force also occurs by pressing a substance with a strong force.
Because there is pressure to expand inside the planet, van der Waals force is also expected to work well. Because it is made under high temperature and high pressure in the central part of Jupiter or Saturn , it is thought that the rock is being pressed very strongly and van der Waals force is strongly working.

This image is a photograph of the state of the experiment conducted at ISS. Make water balls in zero gravity condition. Since it is in the zero gravity state, water is rounded by drawing with van der Waals force and hydrogen bonding. It is not rounded by gravity. Although it sometimes explains that it turns round with surface tension, the surface tension is van der Waals force appearing on the top of water in the case of gravity. Van der Waals force is generated in the whole of the polka dots. Van der Waals force is also acting inside the polka dots.
The polka dots are at most a few centimeters in size, but Earth has a diameter of 13,000 kilometers. Is gravitation still acting? If gravity is acting, the pressure will increase as the depth from the ground surface increases. Let's check it.

In Earth's interior, it is thought to be 300,000 atmospheres at 100 km underground, 135,000 atmospheres at 410 km, and 235,000 atmospheres at 600 km. This pressure is estimated by taking attraction into account. As deep earthquakes occur in deep places over 100 km, the magnitude of the earthquake will increase as it gets deeper. Underground 100k and 600km pressure is 8 times different. When an explosive phenomenon called an earthquake occurs, there will be a change in the intensity of the earthquake caused by the pressure.
I downloaded data for one year of earthquake that occurred in 2015 from the site of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program. The figure below shows the average value and the median value of the earthquakes with deep epicenter more than 100 kilometers counted by depth of the epicenter.

The vertical axis is the strength and magnitude of the earthquake, the horizontal axis is the depth of the epicenter, 100 km to 600 km. It seems that there is a positive correlation between the depth and the magnitude slightly when taking the average value, but if you take the median value, correlation will hardly be recognized in places deeper than 160 km.
When looking at the average value, M 4.1 at 100 km underground has an energy difference of about 3 times that of 21.3 t when converted to TNT powder, 60 t at M4.4 at 600 km. There is no difference in the median.

A deep earthquake is thought to have occurred by breaking a plate that fell into the mantle. If this is true, the higher the pressure, the harder the earthquake will occur, and once it gets up the vibrations that occur should be proportional to the pressure. If the pressure is about 8 times different at 100 km and 600 km, the intensity of the earthquake should also be 8 times. However, the intensity of the earthquake is not proportional to the estimated pressure and is increasing. Rather, it is natural to think that it is related to the density caused by the crystal structure of the rock. SiO2 is predominant in the vicinity of 100 km, but SiO4 and SiO6 are considered to be mixed in the vicinity of 600 km. As far as the intensity of the earthquake is concerned, it seems that the pressure does not increase as the depth gets deeper. (Although earthquakes are described as discharge phenomena in my theory, there is no difference in intensity depending on depth in discharge)

The above image is an experiment with the same ISS. Rotating the polka with bubbles and tea leaves. Bubbles gather together in a cylindrical shape along the axis of rotation inside, but the leaves of tea spread outward by centrifugal force.
The image below shows the state of the outer core inside Earth with the analysis of MHD , magnetic model. You can see the state where the outer core is spreading in a cylindrical shape.

If gravity acts on the inside of Earth, if the pressure is high and the outer core is a heavy metal with a high specific gravity, it should not show such a distribution. Gravity is not working inside Earth, the outer core is not a heavy metal with a high specific gravity, but it is lighter than the mantle so it has a cylindrical shape due to its centrifugal force.
In the experiment of ISS, astronaut rotate books and bottles, but interesting are hard boiled eggs and raw eggs. Hard boiled egg shown stable rotation, but raw eggs become irregular rotation immediately and do not stabilize. Earth has a structure in which the inner core is the solid, the outer core is liquid, and the mantle is solid but soft. If this is correct, like the raw egg, the rotation of Earth should become unstable instantly.
By the way, there are core made of iron and nickel inside Earth, it is speculation that was analyzed by seismic waves. From the mass of Earth estimated from gravitational force, the density of the central core is estimated and iron and nickel are believed to be melted. It is a condition that assumes that mass is creating attraction. However, from the analysis of deep earthquakes, liquid behavior in zero gravity condition, it is considered that gravitational force is not acting inside Earth.



I know you are correct with the hollow earth.

You should listen to these two interviews by Andrew Johnson from the Check The Evidence website. He talks with Peter Woodhead, who goes over some interesting observations and calculations that show the earth has been expanding, and also shows prior scientific research that agrees with that idea.
Peter does not use your idea about the energy pushing the earth out, but I can understand how that concept works.

Part 1.…
Explaining the Expanding Earth - With Peter Woodhead - Part 1…
Explaining the Expanding Earth - With Peter Woodhead - Part 2