Our Electric Earth

Our Electric Earth

Book page - 7 years 3 months ago

Electricity is Everywhere - Does it Do Anything?

We know that between the earths surface and the upper atmosphere there is a voltage difference of 1/2 million volts, however scientific theories barely even mention it in passing. It's not important because they belief is it doesn't do anything, it's just there doing nothing.

Between the ground and the top of your head is a 200 volt difference, does this do anything to you? Does it effect your health? Science doesn't seem to think so, it's just there doing nothing.

Science is aware of large electric telluric currents that run through the ground. A known source for these telluric currents is the daily rotation of the earth. Millions of amps have to move around the planet every day because of this rotation.  The electric universe posits there are additional currents coming from the Sun. Scientists speak of the solar with terms such as a 'rain of charged particles'. This is an electric current, plain and simple.

When was the last time you heard a weather forecaster talk about the voltage in a certain area - never! It isn't even considered, yet in thunder storms we see lightning that reaches up into the upper atmosphere. The belief is that weather creates this lightning, charged particles are lifted into the clouds by evaporation and winds. I think they have it all backwards, weather doesn't create electricity, instead electricity is creating and powering the weather. Tornadoes and hurricanes are big electric motors, powered by electricity which comes from the Sun. High and low pressure areas are big areas with a positive or negative charge.

Why Don't We Measure Voltage?

We have sensors all over the planet which measure temperature, wind speed, barometric pressure, relative humidity, the earth's movement, solar radiation and much more. But we don't regularly measure and track voltage. Why is that? One reason is scientists don't think it's important. Electricity has no place in their theories.

A more important reason for not measuring voltage is it is very difficult to do. A voltage measurement is done between two points and a wire must be run between those points so they have a common reference. It can't be done with current technology. The wires would be way too long and susceptible to external magnetic and electrical fields along the way. The charge on the sun could be a trillion volts different than that of earth, but we have no way to measure it.