How SAM Came To BE

How SAM Came To BE

Book page - 6 years 10 months ago

Edo Kaal

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Edo (J.E. Kaal) was born in Apeldoorn Nederlands in August 3, 1972.  He was always fascinated with the world around him and as a child spent many hours outside observing nature.  His quest for knowledge led him to read and study the Sciences in his spare time.  He studied as an environmental chemist in the Nederlands but jobs for environmental chemists were scarce at the time so he started work in Information Technology.  He considers himself to be a multi-disciplinarian or generalist and still spends most of his free time studying science.

In 2006 Life took another turn and he lost faith in the things that are being taught to us all or rather what through the illusions we develop as life progresses.

Searching for a purpose to his life he decided to return to studying Science and Technology, something he loved as a child.  He realized that in the ten years since attending college very little had progressed in understanding the basic laws of nature.  A lot of it seemed more like science fiction - black holes, time travel, worm holes, dark matter and dark energy. The old enigmas were presented as something new but nothing had really changed.

There is too much professional jealousy, and fragmented research fields that contradict each other and won't even talk to each other.  He saw that money and interests dictate what research is allowed and what theories are acceptable. This system is incapable of discovering and embracing truly revolutionary ideas, despite all the promises and many headlines that scream "Researchers found the next super something"

Little does one know that sometimes extreme experiences are needed to set one on their path. The changing perspective on life and the gained lessons helped Edo to start looking at things "differently". He realized he had many illusions of his own and that he could not progress as long as they were there. So he dropped everything he had been taught including the sciences - from chemistry to astronomy to Math. He made the decision to start again and not embrace any concept that does not have proper Scientific validity.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting expecting different results.

No longer bound by a curriculum or by "Scientific correctness" he felt free to develop a more critical view and to diverge from conventional thought. Intuitively he knew he had to drop all preconceptions he had learned in school and start fresh - all of it.   This included his ideas about how the atom works and how it is structured.  The existence of protons, neutrons, and electrons, the strong and weak force, the particle and/or wave behavior of particles, the concepts of Quantum Mechanics, they all had to be questioned.  

He found studying the Elements refreshing, we have a lot of hard science on the elements, the periodic table is a treasure trove of information.  A great way to spend and hour or two is by playing with this Dynamic Periodic Table.  It lets you interactively view elemental properties such as hardness, conductivity, melting point, weight, isotopes.  It does a good job of showing just how much we know about the elements.  

Early in his investigations Edo found that Argon 40, Potassium 40, Calcium 40 have the same atomic weights but they create different elements.  This was one of the key notions that led Edo to conclude there must be an organization or structure to the nucleus.

Starting Fresh - No assumptions

The first observation he made was that we live in a three-dimensional world - yet much of our understanding and our math is in two dimensions. For example the usual depiction of the atom is Bohr's model which is almost always shown as a two-dimensional model.  This 2-D upbringing has contributed to keeping us from understanding the nucleus.

Edo looked into holy or sacred geometry for a while but he realized they are trying to depict reality on a two-dimensional medium.  Projecting 3-D structures over 2-D ones made little sense to him.  These are lines drawn on paper, but what do they actually do?  In our 3-dimensional reality these lines don't actually exist.  They are simply a mental construct that depicts the shortest distance between two points.  They don't have volume, they can't do anything.  They don't push, pull or connect things together.  Therefore Sacred Geometry cannot include any type of force.

Edo also realized that there are no infinitely small points in our 3-dimensional reality, a particle must always have volume.  He concluded that, in order to study nature, we must understand a 3-dimensional, spherical geometry that has volume.

Edo also observed that nature tends to build objects that are pulled together as if by a central force - galaxies, our solar system, water droplets, planets - they are all pulled together with a central force.  He assumed that type of force existed somehow in the nucleus of the atom and that he could create structures using that as a core principle.  He didn't know at the time how that force worked or what it was, he just thought it had to be there.

Realizing the universe is three dimensional, and therefore everything has volume, he started working with a single sphere, a marble. He glued and taped together additional marbles creating many different shapes - cylinders, spirals, cubes, trees.  Some are fragile, whereas others are strong.  Some can grow, some can't.  He found that the structures that were densely packed were the strongest.  

When people normally discuss dense packing they are concerned with stacking cannonballs efficiently or creating a display of oranges in the grocery store.  This approach however is 2-D since the deck is a flat surface.  In addition, the force at play here is gravity and it pulls in one direction - down.  The resulting structure is layered.

Then Edo came across an idea that has had little discussion in Science -- how will spheres pack together when there is a central pulling force.  Imagine the spheres are close together, you flip a switch and turn on the central pulling force.  The spheres will come together and settle into a shape.  He found that 2 of the 5 platonic solids, the tetrahedron and icosahedron are examples of densely packed structures made in this manner.  Then he discovered the pentagonal bi-pyramid was a densely packed structure in-between the tetrahedron and icosahedron and that this structure could possibly explain the element Lithium.  This is when he knew he was on to something......

SAM Development Timeline

  • 2006 Started exploring the geometric shapes that can be made with marbles.
  • 2008 Came up with the structure for Lithium - 7 spheres - a pentagonal bi-pyramid.  The first solid element.  Began working with spherical neodymium magnets.
  • 2010 Found the structure for Beryllium, Boron and Carbon - Carbon is an icosahedron with 12 spheres.
  • 2012 Figured out how to grow larger atoms by combining carbon 'nuclets' together.
  • 2015 Became aware of the Electric Universe and attended first conference - introduced theory to a few people in private discussions.
  • 2016 Presented at EU conference break-out room giving first exposure to outsiders.  Following the conference met James Sorensen at the Grand Canyon on EU Geology tour.  James became a convert and began creating the Atom Builder program and eventually this website.
  • 2017 Presented at EU conference as a main speaker.
  • 2018 Website went live -- and the discussion begins!

Nikola Tesla in interview: New York Times July 5th, 1931

"These discoveries," he replied, "did not come to me over night, but as the result of intense study and experimentation for nearly thirty-six years. I am naturally anxious to give the facts to the world as soon as possible, but I also wish to present them in a finished form. That may take a few months or a few years."



Since attending EU2017 conference I have been excited to learn more about this model so I can teach it to my children. Keep up the good work. I believe you are onto something great. :)