Nevertheless Ether does not exist

Nevertheless Ether does not exist

Article - 6 years 4 months ago
electric earth science
north east of Japan, foot of mountain made by discharge

Dayton Miller (1866-1941)  was experimenting 300 times more accurately than Michaelson Morley and proving the existence of ether. According to the result, it turned out that the Earth is proceeding in a spiral manner at a speed of 208 km / sec toward the direction of Vega.

Figure 4: Spiral Motion of Sun-Earth System

A Dynamic and Substantive Cosmological Ether
James DeMeo, Ph.D.

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This image is exactly the same as the movement of the solar system that the present astronomy draws. The speed of progressing at 200 km / sec is also the same.

Then, does ether exist?  I think that ether does not exist. I think electromagnetic waves will travel through protons and electrons.

Light travels through particles

I would like to think about the ether drift Miller measured with this mechanism. The earth is moving around the galaxy with the sun at 200 km / sec. The Earth's rotation rate is 465m/s and the revolution speed is about 30 km/s. The speed for the galaxy is seven times faster. The Earth's atmosphere also moves at 200 km/s. Light travels through atmospheric molecules. In other words, atmospheric molecules behave like ether.   Miller measured the motion of atmospheric molecules that traveled 200 km/s along with the Earth.

Assuming the presence of ether, many phenomena can be explained well. However, without using ether, we can explain even more by introducing nonlocal interaction. We can use nonlocal interaction by using electric field. It is a way of thinking that is suitable for Descartes' methodology. Ether is the same as dark matter.



The SubQuantum aether is bipartite. It has a sedentary part which visibly clings to all material forms, and a motional part. The discrete particles that comprise the motional portion of the SQ aether can have any velocity larger than zero, up to an infinite velocity.

"Dark matter" is just a substitute term which is used in place of the forbidden word "aether". Apparently, the "physics" of "dark matter" are just forbidden as is the forbidden word Aether. But we are not constrained to university tenure, nor to corporate in our independent researches. (This article going to be published in book form in Nov.2018)

The SubQuantum microscope constructed in Serbia has made images of entities as small as 10e-95cm., well smaller than the Planck length. From the evidence provided by various direct instrumented observations, there is no lower bound to the small.

The entire of all the sciences, including all of the physics, are described by and are originating from agglomerations and activities of SubQuantum Infinitesimals.

SubQuantum Infinitesimal-based physics unifies all the sciences under one "umbrella", correcting the anomalies and paradoxes of QM and eliminating the mathematical fantasies of Einstein's version of relativity, while restoring Galilean relativity.

All matter at all scales, all fields and forces, the life sciences and Consciousness physics are contained by the understandings inherent in the SubQuantum Infinitesimals, which are the smallest unit of matter, and at the same time, the smallest unit of Consciousness.

This implies that everything has Consciousness and as well, memories of all that the given entity has ever experienced. That each infinitesimal has a memory, is implied by experimental results which have physically proved that the "vacuum" (actually a SubQuantum plenum) has memory, and by the experimentally observed vast arrays of information which are conveyed by the various vector potentials, which information is conveyed by the groups of infinitesimals which are causing the vector potentials.

These experimental results, and others, imply that everything has some form of Experiential Consciousness.

In addition, it has been shown that infinitesimals can traverse vast distances with velocities ranging up to an infinite velocity. This is the basis for all experimentally proven behaviors of quantum mechanics, including "non-local" phenomena, such as the quantum information field. The infinitesimals form a bipartite aether, composed of free aether entities traveling with velocities up to infinity and captive aether entities which are constrained to "clouds" surrounding and interpenetrating existing matter and by the local conveyances of the various forces. All existing matter constantly radiates and absorbs information-bearing infinitesimals, which process results in local and non-local experiential and emotional communications between all observables. Empirically, experiential and emotional information forms the entire basis of an undivided and Intelligent Universe.

One of the continuations of these understandings is contained here:

Consciousness-Based Subquantum Information Storage and Transport Influences All Physical Events and Objects:

For those who have been deluded into believing that the Le Sage-Laplace aether gravitation model is flawed, based on Poincare's "analysis", careful examination shows that Poincare's "analysis" is the actual flaw.

Poincare examined the gravitation model of Le Sage, and concluded that in this model, gravitational attraction is proportional to S = sqrt of ρv , where S is earth's hypothetical molecular surface area, which actual molecular area he could have had no clue about. This kind of argument leaves out all consideration of the known fact that atoms and molecules are mostly "empty space" (actually the space between subatomic particles is mostly filled with the static part of the bipartite SQ media) "v" is the hypothetical velocity of the particles , and ρ is the hypothetical density of the medium. (In fact, we still do not have any data on what is the actual composite density of the interstellar media.) In addition, Poincare also did not consider any density variations in any material forms, such as an object made from shale mixed with lead.

Following Laplace, Poincare argued that to maintain mass-proportionality, the upper limit for S is at the most a ten-millionth of the Earth's surface. Drag (the physical retardation of motion of an object moving through the media, by the resistance to displacement of the media, which can be considered as due the viscosity and the bulk modulus of the aether media) is proportional to Sρv and therefore the ratio of drag to attraction is inversely proportional to Sv. However, there is no physical evidence available to support any of Poincare's conjectures.

To reduce this imaginary and supposed "drag", Poincaré calculated a lower limit for the propagation of gravitation as Vg = 24e 17 times the speed of light. But we don't know what the drag is because we don't know what the density, viscosity, and bulk modulus of the interstellar media are, at all scales. Thus, this "calculation" by Poincare is based entirely on imaginings, not on any physical facts.

According to Poincare's imagined views there are lower limits for Sv and v, and an upper limit for S. With those imagined values one can calculate an imaginary "produced heat", proportional to Sρv^3. A related imaginary calculation shows that earth's temperature would rise by 10e 26 degrees per second, were the circumstances imagined by Poincare actually factual. (But they are not factual. They are imaginary.) Poincaré noted "that the earth could not long stand such a regime.", leaving out the fact that this "regime"was entirely imaginary.

Poincaré also analyzed the wave-gravity models produced by Tommasina and Lorentz, remarking that they suffered the same imagined problems as the particle models, in Poincare's imagined scenario. To "reduce drag", superluminal wave-gravity velocities were necessary, and they would still be subject to the heating problem.

Modern knowledge regarding nuclear physics, and direct experiences with many other types of Interaction Cross-Sections, cause Poincare's imagined "heating" objection to entirely vanish. Poincare did not have knowledge of interaction cross-sections available to him, in those days, so cross-sections were not considered by him, at all.

We have previously pointed out that the majority of the SQ entities pass through the existing matter unimpeded, similar to "neutrinos", while some few interact with existing matter, resulting in the pressing-down force we call "gravitation". Heat is a minimal by-product, while the creations of vast numbers of electrons is a very real consequence of the interactions between the existing massive body and the motional portion of the bipartite SQ aether media.

The creation of electrons by interaction of the SQ aether with existing matter, is what powers all the physical bodies in the Universe, electrically. Electric activities are the origination of all the matter in the Universe, from the Zero Group gases of Mendeleev, to the known atomic element #116. Stars and planets, and other astrophysical bodies are all the result of the electrical activities powered by the SubQuantum aether.


it seems unbelievable that the solar system is moving that quickly ...

i started looking into it and that speed includes the galactic orbiting speed.. so we're surely not moving that fast perpendicular to the galactic plane

also that video shows the solar system spirally along its orbit, which is absurd.. if all of the solar systems spiralled like that we would see them moving closer and further at drastic and alarming rates which we don't, plus collisions between solarsystems would be extremely common. there is no explaination of what force would both push and pull the solar system in and own relative to the galactic center as it orbits

no experiments, observations or simulations show such a thing


Ether is an early discription for the medium through which electro-magnetic waves travel.
At present they (Thunderbolts project) calls it Plasma and defines it as a state of matter.
Light is described as an impulse traveling through this plasma. So is, I think, also electricity. There is no matter that displaces, only energy.
This energy is then transformed in many ways, from eyesight to warmth.
Matter is a phenomena of magnetic and electric interaction in plasma fields, resulting in buildingblocks as discribed by SAM.
In now depends upon specific combinations of this interaction for matter to be translucent or opaque.
This is how we percive our world, through our eyes and by our instruments.

But all these observations go through our intelect (brains) and are therefor transformed into perceptions, sometimes correct (see: Rupert Sheldrake), sometimes erroneous (see: Hadron collider).

As for me, I think Wallace Thornhill is one of the most able presons to explane many phenomena in a way common people can understand the univers as a holistic unit, as he says: There are no islands in the Univers,


Dear ja7tdo

In your reaction you state that Plasma does not exist. Also you claim to be able to explain propagation of light without Plasma (or ether). Then you propose that ether = dark enegie.

You got me lost there! Please elaborate.

My personal view is as follows:

I understand that matter has 4 states: Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma.
Matter in Plasma state consists of independend particels in a free and random dispersion in time and space. Those particels are the result of the tension between Eternety and Infinity. They are mere magnetic fields in a dense state only to be observed by the grace of passage of time and called Electricity. Eternity is the permanent state of time and Infinity is the permanent state of space and manifests its self as Energy.

It all has no start or finish and therefore cannot be eliminated or divided.

The universal force of it all is called: LIFE! We are living beeings and an integral part of the living universe.

To be able to explane this phenomena is is quite reasonable to name particels by names as Proton, Neutron, Electron etc. They all have there own part of conciesness by which they can interact.
It is by nature not possible to devide or disintergrate magnetic fields; what is shown in the hopelessly complicated Hydron Collider of the CERN. All they can come up with is a Higg's particle so short lived that it could only be seen by sophisticsted electronic devices and uncomprehensible mathematic formulas.
What they see is a distortion of a self realighning magnetic field, that is all!

All physical properties, biloligical processes and philosofical views are therefore the result of this analogue caracter of magnetic fields and electric currents. Their interactions are instant and can be seen as digital, alive or dead. It enables man to understand the universe with his and its conciousness, it enabels all plant and animal life to cope with there existence, it enabels celectial bodies to form and maintain there independent positions.
Gravity as a mono directional force can not explane the universe, although it is workable on Earth.

So, no need for Black holes, Dark energy, Big bang or Higg's particels. Mathematicians can help to explain but cannot give the slolution, they make it much to complicated. I forgot who said it: If there are severel solutions to a problem, take the most simple. The Electric Universe does that, SAM does that, SAFIRE project does that and even Farraday and Nicolai Tesla did so.

Here I pay my regards all independent minds of those great people who brought me to this view:
Teilhard Dujardin, Michal Farraday, Birkland, Heissenberg, Nies Bohr, Manuel Velikovski, Wallace Thornhill, Rupert sheldrake and many, many others.

Reply to you is very easy. If nonlocal interaction is recognized, ether is not necessary. Charged particles that exist in outer space transmit light and electromagnetic waves.

If we accept ether, science will again incorporate dark matter. It has been observed that the speed of light in space is faster than the ground. The speed of gravity is one million times that of light. Ether cannot respond to these facts.

Science is not democratic.

I do understand.
I took ether as an other term for plasma, but I do accept no-local interaction, instant without a time factor.
You agree that Black holes and dark matter are imaginair and non existend?


The speed of "Gravity". @ ja7tdo
By the classic understanding of gravity it is an one directional force, only atraction. By Electric Univers gravity is an electro/magnetic force as explaned by Walace Thornhill.
In my understanding is this also your understanding of it. This explanes the strength as wel the speed of it.