SEAM(Static Electron Atom Model)

SEAM(Static Electron Atom Model)

Article - 5 years 3 months ago
electric earth science
north east of Japan, foot of mountain made by discharge

It is as already claimed by SAM that neutrons are complex particles composed of protons and electrons.  In addition to that, I will add a new interpretation of electric lines of force.  Even when speaking of a new electric line of force, since Maxwell misunderstood Faraday's line of force, everything has begun. With Faraday's electric lines of force, plus and minus Coulomb force will reach the target without neutralization on the way.   Vector of each Coulomb force is synthesized inside the substance. Please read this article for details.

A nucleus is a state where protons and protons are bound by electrons. This is the same as SAM, but the electrons inside the nucleus exerts Coulomb force on orbital electrons. In other words, the electrons in orbit are loosely bound to the plus and minus electrons of protons in the nucleus. Electrons on orbit are being attracted positively and are repelling minus. The electrons are not rotating and not clouds. I will call this model the Static Electron Atom Model, SEAM.

These are short description of the image of nuclear nuclei predicted by SEAM.

Electromagnetic waves are pulses of electric field

Electric waves, light, gamma rays, neutrinos are electromagnetic waves and pulses of the electric field propagate. The medium is interstellar matter, gas molecules and so on. Since neutrinos are pulses of the shortest electric field, they are hardly attenuated in the process of protons and electrons. Electromagnetic waves supply electric charges to medium - protons and electrons.

Proton oscillation

The protons are regenerated on the opposite side when they receive pulses of the electric field. At this time, a part of the charge is received and its size is changed. When protons vibrate, gamma ray standing waves are created around them. Standing waves keep electrons in their valleys to maintain discrete trajectories.


Protons and protons are connected by pion and constitute nuclei. The pion is an excited state electron and plays a role like a glue for bonding protons to each other.


A state where electrons are excited by one step. When it hits a molecule, it is replaced with shared electrons, and the distance between the nuclei of each other becomes extremely close. At this time, although muon fusion occurs, it is necessary for the muon to change to a pion.


A state in which multiple protons and protons are bound by electrons excited. Internal electrons are restricted in the charge externally in the way of coupling. The plus of the proton and the minus of the internal electron (pion) are orbiting electrons loosely connected.


Electrons are loosely connected to the surroundings with plus and minus from the atomic nucleus which is a complex of protons and electrons. Orbital electrons are kept at a constant distance by gamma ray standing waves from nuclei. Since the electrons settle in the valley of the standing wave, quantum leap occurs.


Proton and electron coupled. Although the appearance is neutral, since there is electrons on the outside of the proton, a magnetic field is generated by rotating. If neutrons are single, they are irradiated by neutrinos and emit electrons. Causes of beta decay in 15 minutes.


Using protons and electrons as a medium, it travels between substances with very little attenuation. Neutrino diffuses the energy of the electric field into the material that it occupies. Upon receiving a neutrino, the size of protons changes, creating a standing wave of gamma rays around. The nuclear reaction changes with the density of neutrinos.


Because it is very small, neutrino incidence is small. When protons and protons collide, positrons are born, so it may be related to something in the electric field.


Neutrinos, size changes with the incidence of electromagnetic waves.

Nuclear decay

When a pion between a proton and a proton inside the nucleus is sputtered by the incidence of a neutrino, the nucleus breaks. The angle of the pion between the protons and the energy of the neutrino statistically determine the nuclear decay time.

Short discussion

The proton and the proton are coupled with the excited pi intermediates of electrons. At this time, what is the state of the surface and electrons of the proton? If the proton is a true sphere and you do not have to think about the size of the electron, the nucleus should make a geometric shape like gathering the true ball. But then, the nucleus becomes infinitely large. It is not because the pion that connects protons and protons has a certain size because the nucleus is not natural in its natural state. As the number of protons increases, that pattern shifts little by little. If the deviation becomes large, it can not withstand the impact of the incoming neutrino, and the coupling unravels quickly.