

Topic - 7 years ago

The nucleus of the atom is thought to be made from protons and neutrons. These are both called nucleons because they are found in the nucleus.  

Conventional theory

The nucleus of the atom is thought to be made from protons and neutrons.  These are both called nucleons because they are found in the nucleus.  The term nucleon is used when discussing the conventional theory of the atom and attempting to be ambiguous about whether they are protons or neutrons.

If a neutron is removed from the nucleus of the atom then within 15 minutes it spontaneously decays into a proton and electron.  This process is known as beta decay.


When discussing SAM we will not use the term nucleon.  SAM believes the nucleus is made up or protons and electrons, not protons and neutrons.

It is known a 'neutron' cannot exists as a separate particle, within 15 minutes it decays into a proton and electron.  A neutron in the nucleus is actually an electron that is shared with 2 or more protons.